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Digital Publication

Ukutula: Our Timeless Journeys

Centering the African masks, hoods and crests of the Justin and Elisabeth Lang collection of African art in chorus with contemporary artworks from the broader diaspora, the exhibition Ukutula: Our Timeless Journeys articulates transformational voyages across space and time, and the seen and unseen worlds.

Across routes of soil, water and air to ventures through spiritual, metaphysical realms and across deep time, traditions are carried intergenerationally, and ancient knowledge is re-expressed for new understandings in the world today. Collectively, these artworks allow us to think about what it means to come from elsewhere to these lands now known as “Canada.”

Traditional African artworks sing powerfully alongside art by Winsom Winsom, Camille Turner, Jessica Karuhanga, Jill Glatt and Anthony Gebrehiwot. The choral throughline of Ukutula asks: What does it mean to settle in a place with such an unsettling history? How do our journeys transform who we are? And how can a choir of collective song lift our spirits?

Image Credits
Ukutula: Our Timeless Journeys: Curatorial Essay
Jill Glatt
Anthony Gebrehiwot
Jessica Karuhanga
Camille Turner
Winsom Winsom