This Week at Agnes

Pre-loved books, rare finds and special bargains

Big Book Sale

5–8 March, during gallery hours

Are you an art enthusiast, history buff or bibliophile?  The Graduate Visual Culture Association and Agnes have joined forces to present a BIG BOOK SALE. Expand your library this week.

Leaf through our wide array of pre-loved books for rare finds and special bargains. From vintage art history texts and challenging visual culture publications to your favourite popular fiction, we have it all. Beautiful Agnes catalogues will also be available at a deep discount of 50%. Don’t miss out!

Thursday Tour

Featuring From Tudor to Hanover: British Portraits, 1590–1800

5 March, 12:15–1 pm

Join us for this free, lunch-hour exhibition tour.  A friendly and informed community docent will meet you in the Atrium before the guided gallery tour.

In recognition of a number of spectacular acquisitions in recent years, From Tudor to Hanover: British Portraits, 1590–1800 investigates the evolution of the painted and printed portrait in Britain. The desire to fashion the self, record achievement and cultivate fame has appealed to British citizens since the early modern era.

Godfrey Kneller, Portrait of a Man (detail), 1722, oil on canvas. Gift of Alfred and Isabel Bader, 1991 (34-020.16) Photo: Bernard Clark

Art+Feminism Edit-a-Thon

Learn to edit, update, and add articles to Wikipedia

Saturday 7 March, 1–5 pm

Drop-in to the Art+Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon. Introductory tutorials, reference materials and refreshments will be provided. Participants are encouraged to create a Wikipedia account before the event. Bring your own laptop and get ready to edit.

Art+Feminism is an international initiative that aims to amend the  inequality of gender, feminism, and the arts on Wikipedia by encouraging people of all gender expressions to start editing and contributing Wikipedia content.

Organized by Queen’s Art History undergraduate students.


Musical performance, tea, and insider art talks

Sunday 8 March, 2-3:30 pm

Organized by dedicated member volunteers, INSIDE AGNES is a popular, informal community engagement program featuring musical performance, tea, and insider art presentations by gallery staff and special guests. Come hear The Kingston Choral Society Ensemble Singers, an insider art talk with Shannon Brown, Program Coordinator, and enjoy refreshments in Etherington House. INSIDE AGNES is free and all are welcome.

This is the final INSIDE AGNES of the season.

INSIDE AGNES with Spencer Evans and Doug Stewart, Winter 2020

For Families

Creation Station

Sunday 8 March, 2–3:30 pm

Free and fun sessions for children and their caregivers to get creative with qualified educators in the bright and airy André Biéler Studio.  This program filled quickly.

Agnes members Laura Watt and Ryan Randall take part in a family program in the Studio.

Oana Spinu, Before Tomorrow (production still, detail), copyright Arnait Video Productions, 2009

Looking Ahead

Unpacking Conversation: Intergenerational Archival Engagement

Friday 13 March, 11:30–2:30 pm
A public roundtable event with Arnait collective members

Art Hive @Agnes

Thursdays to 2 April, 4–6 pm
Young adults ages 18–24 can drop in for art and wellness

Queen’s University
36 University Avenue
Kingston, Ontario
Canada K7L 3N6
T (613) 533.2190
F (613) 533.6765
Agnes Etherington Art Centre is situated on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory.


Queen’s University
Logo: Canada Council for the Arts Logo: Ontario Arts Council Logo: City of Kingston Logo: Kingston Arts Council
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