
Philosopher’s Café

Thursday 11 May 2017
7 pm

Would Alan Collier Drive an Electric Car Today? Road Tripping in 2017

Would Alan Collier Drive an Electric Car Today? Road Tripping in 2017

Our Canada 150 exhibition Road Trip: Across Canada with Alan C. Collier celebrates one of the first painters to travel by automobile from coast to coast to coast for his work. Today’s environmental consciousness raises concerns about car culture then and now. Is there a future for cross-country travel, and if so, what does it look like? How might considerations for equity and ethics factor into our travel choices? What are the economic, environmental, and social implications of these choices, at home and away?

Join our Philosopher’s Café to discuss these and other topical issues raised by the show. Our two speakers are Steve Lapp, Professor, Energy Systems Engineering Technology, St. Lawrence College and Patricia Collins, Assistant Professor, Geography and Planning at Queen’s. Steve is also an electric car owner and Patricia is an avid cyclist. Our speakers will each give a short presentation, converse about the topic, and then open the dialogue to the audience. Light refreshments will be served.

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