This Week at Agnes

DIGITAL AGNES 2.0 launches

New connections ignited across Agnes’s collections and commissions

Over the past two years, we have been thinking about our programming as interconnected lines of inquiry, learning how exhibitions and programs—not just artworks—can be “curated” into reciprocal conversation. It is in between these exhibitions and programs—at their “vibrating edges”—where new connections are ignited across Agnes’s collections and commissions. A new public interface for Digital Agnes, designed to better convey these vibrating edges, encapsulates thematic intersections in the digital space. Featuring digital projects and research in visual culture, Digital Agnes has undergone a rigorous development and design update. Check it out!

Digital Agnes hero image with text overlay: A constellation of digital initiatives in visual culture

Artist Talk

A conversation with Bélgica Castro

Online, 16 March, 1–2:30

Hilos Conductores artist Bélgica Castro Fuentes started embroidering arpilleras in Santiago, Chile in 1978 and was part of the Arpillera Workshop of the Association of Families of the Detained and Disappeared. Her husband disappeared after being detained by the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet on 6 October 1973.

No registration required. Connect via Zoom here > (Meeting ID: 974 1662 2727 ; Passcode: 3.qMuy). Hosted by Studies in National and International Development (SNID).

Hilos Conductores is curated by Nathalia Santos Ocasio and co-presented by Agnes, Sur Gallery, and the Textile Museum of Canada. The exhibition is on view at Sur Gallery, Toronto, until 1 April 2023.

Portrait of Bélgica Castro


Open Secret with Sharlene Bamboat

9 + 10 March 2023

Screening + Conversation
9 March, 6–8 pm, The Screening Room, 120 Princess St, Kingston
Sign up >

Workshop with Sharlene!
10 March, 11:30 am–2:30 pm, In-person at Agnes
Sign up >

Sharlene Bamboat is a moving image and installation artist based in Tio’tia:ke/Montreal. Her practice often engages with translation, history and music, uncovering sensory and fractured ways of knowing. Sharlene regularly collaborates with artists, musicians and writers to animate historical, political, legal, and pop-culture materials. Both events are open and free for all. See details >

Sharlene Bamboat, If from Every Tongue It Drips, still. Courtesy of the artist

Artist talks, discussion and reception

Media Cosmologies: an intergenerational conversation on art, technology, and transmission

10 March, 3–5 pm

Alongside talks by artists Cheryl L’Hirdondelle and Callum Beckford, facilitated by Sebastian De Line, is presented in a legacy environment on computer terminals in Agnes’s Atrium, giving the public access to this work for the first time in years. This event is free and open to all, no registration is needed.
Learn more >

This is a partnered event supported by Wicked Ideas and the Vulnerable Media Lab.

Cheryl L’Hirondelle,, 2008. Website.


From the Hearth: Intro to poetry and spoken word with Billie the Kid

In-Person, 19 March, 6 April, and 23 April 2023

Led by Billie the Kid, From the Hearth, is an in-person poetry and spoken word workshop series that expands our circles of care to embrace the journeys, stories and connections we share as humans. All are welcome and no experience is required. Participants can register for individual workshops, or join the full series. Learn more and sign up >

From the Hearth poster and notebooks available at the workshop

Art and Wellness

Art Hive @Agnes

In-Person, Thursdays until 9 March 2023, 4­–6 pm

Artmaking is innately therapeutic and can improve general well-being. We invite adults 16+ to join us and explore the creative process through experimentation and play. Art Hive is free; materials are provided and no prior art experience is necessary. If you are looking for guidance, Harper Johnston, art therapist/facilitator offers weekly projects. Sign up >

Made possible through the generous support of the Birks Family Foundation.

Art Hive @Agnes with Harper Johnston

Portrait of Zina Saro-Wiwa. Courtesy of the artist

Looking Ahead

Zina Saro-Wiwa: The Illicit Gin Institute, Assembly #6

Hotel Wolfe Island, 1237 County Rd 96, Wolfe Island, ON
31 March, 7–10 pm
Commissioned and presented by Agnes
The event is free, registration opens on 15 March

Making Art Work

E-commerce for Artists
Hosted online by Union Gallery
Tuesday 28 March, 6–7:30 pm
Sign up >

Queen’s University
36 University Avenue
Kingston, Ontario
Canada K7L 3N6
T (613) 533.2190
Agnes Etherington Art Centre is situated on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory.


Queen’s University
Logo: Canada Council for the Arts Logo: Ontario Arts Council Logo: City of Kingston Logo: Kingston Arts Council
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