This Week at Agnes

Collection Count + Care 2.0

We Point With Our Lips

Gaamino Bimaadizidikwe / Lisa Cooke Ravensbergen

Commissioned in Gaadanokwii / Ka’tarohnkwi / Ken’tarókwen—Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, and Huron-Wendat territories by Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 2023. Count + Care seeks relationships within and conversations across the collection. What stories does the collection tell?

Featured works include Daphne Odjig’s, Three Within, 1979, oil on canvas and Jane Ash Poitras’s, Poundmaker Adopted Son of Crow Foot, 1998, oil and collage with a photograph on canvas. The video is available on Digital Agnes, Vimeo and YouTube with Anishinaabemowin, English and French credits.

Video still from Lisa Cooke Ravensbergen’s video We Point With Our Lips.

Call for pitches

Queering the Collection

Submit by 23 April 2024

Queering the Collection publishes various interpretations of works in the collection that disrupt the traditional production of art canons. Do you want to create content for this new series of Collection Highlights featured on Digital Agnes? Agnes seeks expressions of interest from the broader Queen’s community, including students, faculty and staff. Submit by 23 April 2024. Read more >

Allyson Mitchell and Deirdre Logue, Nobody knows… (detail), pencil on paper 2015. Purchased with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Grants program and J. Stuart Fleming Fund, 2016

Agnes is hiring!

Communications and Marketing Coordinator

Apply by 12 April 2024

Join us at this pivotal and transformational moment in Agnes’s future! Agnes seeks an energetic, creative thinker to fill the Communications and Marketing Coordinator role. This position is influential and collaborative, reimagining communications, marketing, and promotions. This is a full-time, continuing position.

See Queen’s University’s CareerQ site for the full job description and details on how to apply.

Emelie Chhangur, Director and Curator welcomes guests to the Exhibition Celebration at AGNES. Photo: Tim Forbes

Agnes Stories

Curating in Context with Dr Winsom Winsom,
Wanda Nanibush, Philip Monk and Cathie Jamieson

Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies (SCCS)

During the week of the inaugural People’s Symposium, Agnes had the pleasure of hosting many renowned guests and a few of them were able to stop by Nasrin Himada’s class, SCCS 830: Curating in Context, including Dr Winsom Winsom, Wanda Nanibush, Philip Monk and Cathie Jamieson. Read more >

Curating in Context meets in Etherington House. Photo: Garrett Elliott

In the News

Queen’s Gazette

Featuring Agnes Reimagined!

The transformation of the Agnes Etherington Art Centre soon begins, turning it into a model 21st-century university museum, thanks to generous donations from the Bader family. Read more >

Another milestone: Agnes is closed to the public as we prepare for Agnes Reimagined. Stay tuned for details about our off-site programming!

Agnes Reimagined sketch. Courtesy of PFS Studio.

Detail from Transformations. Photo: Paul Litherland

Looking Ahead

Making Art Work

Pathways into the Arts with the Juvenis Festival
In-Person, at Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre
3 May, 6–7:30 pm

The program is open to ages 13–30. Registration is required for ages 13–17.

Agnes at Science Rendezvous!

In-person, Slush Puppie Place, Kingston
11 May, 10 am–3 pm

Queen’s University
36 University Avenue
Kingston, Ontario
Canada K7L 3N6
T (613) 533.2190
F (613) 533.6765
Agnes Etherington Art Centre is situated on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory.


Queen’s University
Logo: Canada Council for the Arts Logo: Ontario Arts Council Logo: City of Kingston Logo: Kingston Arts Council
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