
Vibrating Edges
(a tour through Agnes’s galleries)

2021 marked a transformation in Agnes’s artistic direction.

No longer tethered to period galleries, historical shows inhabited “contemporary spaces” and vice-versa. More importantly, we worked across time periods and diverse world views in single exhibitions.

This video documents the outcomes of this first year of experimentation. We take a tour through Agnes’s galleries to see the ground-breaking curatorial work we are currently undertaking.

Thinking about our exhibition galleries as interconnected lines of inquiry, we are learning how exhibitions—not just artworks—can be “curated” into reciprocal conversation. It is in-between these exhibitions—at their “vibrating edges”—where new connections are ignited across Agnes’s collections and commissions. Our entangled approach to curating across concurrent exhibitions empowers us to work with/in history in future-oriented ways, taking museum practices in new directions through dialogue, collaboration and a commitment to polyvocality.

As we move away from museum practices that categorize and separate, Agnes creates opportunities for participation and exchange across communities, cultures, histories and geographies.

–Emelie Chhangur, Director and Curator

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