Agnes's front facade during the Solstice Party.

News and Stories

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Two people with their hands stretch out above them, singing karaoke.
Agnes Stories
Agnes welcomes new and returning students!
Collage of four images, from left to right, Carolyn Kane, Christine Ma, Sharan Gill and Shay O'Brien
Staff Spotlight: Carolyn Kane, Christine Ma, Sharan Gill, Shay O’Brien
Transformations in profile with Mac-Corry behind it
End of ‘Transformations’ marks a new beginning for Agnes Etherington Art Centre
Collection Count + Care video with Elyse Longair and Alicia Boutilier
‘Bring Your Thing’ event provides free art consultation for Kingston community
Where's Agnes repeated over and over again on a field of orange and green
Where’s Agnes?
Aerial rendering of the landscape surrounding Agnes Reimagined.
Agnes Etherington Art Centre to undergo $100M transformation into dream art house
Liz Cooper stands in front of a graffiti wall wearing a blue shirt and pink glasses
Staff Spotlight: Liz Cooper, Communications and Marketing Coordinator
School Program: Emergence, 2023.
Agnes Stories
National Volunteer Week!
Art Zone for teens with Phoebe Cohoe
Agnes Stories
Call for Applicants! Creative Futures: Empowering Teen Artists
Looking at a colour transparency of an André Biéler painting.
Agnes Stories
Behind-the-Scenes: Artist Files
Allyson Mitchell and Deirdre Logue's pencil on paper work titled "Nobody knows...." The work features a figure (shoulders on up) holding a sign that says Nobody knows I'm a lesbian. The background is all white.
Agnes Stories
Call for Pitches: Queering the Collection
Maquette of Agnes Reimagined. Photo: Paul Litherland
Queen’s University art centre set to become the largest university museum in Canada
SCCS 830: Curating in Context with Dr Winsom Winsom, Wanda Nanibush, Philip Monk and Cathie Jamieson. Agnes's Chief Curator, Alicia Boutilier, and Bader Curator of European Art, Suzanne van de Meerendonk, also joined in.
Agnes Stories
SCCS 830: Curating in Context with Dr Winsom Winsom, Wanda Nanibush, Philip Monk and Cathie Jamieson
In a historical house, Winsom Winsom is wearing a red dress and sits on a bench while contemplating her painting displayed on an easel.
Agnes Stories
New Films Launching
From left to right: William Carroll, Em Harmsen, Mehvish Rather and Faten Nastas Mitwasi. Courtesy of the artists.
Agnes Stories
Four more co-directors of Wee Bit Off Centre announced!
MAC Students condition reporting at Agnes. Photo: Gabriel Bevilacqua
Agnes Stories
Sharing our collection’s care
Pamila Matharu introduces her exhibition "Where Were You in ‘92?" during the Exhibition Celebration.
Agnes Stories
Agnes wins three GOG awards!
Wee Bit promotional image
Agnes Stories
Call for co-directors
of Wee Bit Off Centre residency
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