
Context and Meaning XXIII:
Present | Past

9 February at Agnes and over Zoom + 10 February on Zoom

All are welcome.

The Queen’s University Department of Art History and Art Conservation’s Graduate Visual Culture Association (GVCA) is hosting the twenty-third annual Context and Meaning Graduate Student Conference from Friday, 9 February to Saturday, 10 February 2024.

Subtitled Present | Past, this year’s Context and Meaning conference seeks to facilitate discussions regarding how time is experienced and constructed, how we view the past through a contemporary lens, and how artworks, images and other objects of visual culture mediate history.

The first day of the conference takes place in-person at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre, with panels of graduate speakers complemented by a keynote presentation from Dr Mary Hunter (McGill University). The second day occurs online, bringing together speakers both near and further afield over Zoom.

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