Dzama, Marcel
The Fight La bataille
2000–01 2000-2001

The drawing depicts three figures in the style of a boxing promotional poster under the title “The Fight.” Dracula, Lion Monster and a white male-looking figure labeled “Marcel Dzama” are seen taking identical sparring positions, ready to fight. Dzama routinely signs the front of his works in this fashion, but rarely with such a direct implication that a figure represents a self-portrait.

Dzama, Marcel
Winnipeg MB 1974 Winnipeg MB 1974
The Fight La bataille
2000–01 2000-2001
Ink, watercolour and root beer on paper Encre rehaussée d’aquarelle et de bière d’épinette sur papier
35.6 x 27.9 cm
Gift of David Clare, 2020 Don de David Clare, 2020

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