Agnes provides image reproductions for scholarly, commercial or personal use. To explore licensing an image from our collection, complete a Reproduction Request with all available information, including artist, title of work and the details of your publication. Note that permission is required before reproducing any image from Agnes’s collection. High-resolution digital images are available for most works, but new photography may be required. Additional fees may apply for new photography.
Fields marked with a * are mandatory. Please review and submit your application by clicking on the submit button below. Please read the Conditions below; by clicking “submit” you agree to these terms.
If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact us at
You will receive a response in 7–10 business days to confirm availability of images, total fees, and expected date of order completion.
Please note that the regular turnaround time is 3 weeks for existing photography and 10 weeks for new photography. For faster service, rush fees may apply.