Klauber, Ignaz Sebastian
Christophe Gabriel Allegrain Christophe-Gabriel Allegrain
1787 1787

Ignaz Sebastian Klauber executed this portrait print as his reception piece for his entrance into the French Royal Academy. Klauber selected as his subject Joseph Duplessis’s portrait of the sculptor Christophe-Gabriel Allegrain because of the painting’s clear light and harmonious colour, which he translated skillfully into black and white. In reproducing Duplessis’s portrait, Klauber associated his name with the illustrious painter as well as Allegrain. The latter—chisel in hand—is seated beneath the legs of the sculpted bather that launched his career.

Klauber, Ignaz Sebastian
Augsburg, Germany 1753-Saint Petersburg, Russia 1817 Augsburg, Germany 1753-Saint Petersburg, Russia 1817
Christophe Gabriel Allegrain Christophe-Gabriel Allegrain
1787 1787
Engraving on paper Gravure
height / width: 58.50 x 42.70 cm; 23.03 x 16.81 in.
Purchase, Consolidated Fund, 1977 Achat, fonds consolidés, 1977

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