Bourdon, Sébastien
Moses Striking Water from the Rock Moïse faisant jaillir l’eau du rocher
around 1640-1650 v. 1636

The story involves Moses and Aaron leading the children of Israel through the desert. Upon coming to Rephidem and finding neither food, nor water, the people turned on Moses who questioned God. God told Moses to take his rod and smite the rock of Horeb, and after striking the rock twice, water poured out from the rock. The influence of the bamboccianti can be seen in his treatment of the figures, while the colouring demonstrates Bourdon’s awareness of Venetian painting.

Bourdon, Sébastien
Montpellier, France 1616-Paris, France 1671 Montpellier, France 1616-Paris, France 1671
Moses Striking Water from the Rock Moïse faisant jaillir l’eau du rocher
around 1640-1650 v. 1636
Oil on canvas Huile sur toile
height / width: 87.50 x 111.30 cm; 34.45 x 43.82 in.
Gift of Alfred and Isabel Bader, 1985 Don d’Alfred et Isabel Bader, 1985

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