Sloan, John
design for book cover of “Cinder-Path Tales” by William Lind Dessin préparatoire pour la couverture de Cinder-Path Tales de William Linds
1896 1896
Sloan, John
Lock Haven PA 1871-Hanover NH 1951 Lock Haven PA 1871-Hanover NH 1951
design for book cover of “Cinder-Path Tales” by William Lind Dessin préparatoire pour la couverture de Cinder-Path Tales de William Linds
1896 1896
ink, paper on card Encre sur papier collé sur carton
height / width: 36.90 x 22.20 cm; 14.53 x 8.74 in.
Transferred from Queen's University Special Collections, 1991 Transferred from Queen's University Special Collections, 1991

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