Marriott, John (with Michael Buckland, Tom Dean, Janieta Eyre, Luis Jacob, Susan Kealey, Stacey Lancaster, Andrew J. Paterson, Steve Reinke and Laurel Woodcock)
I’ve got to stop talking to myself I've got to stop talking to myself [Il faut que j'arrête de parler tout seul]
1999 1999
Marriott, John (with Michael Buckland, Tom Dean, Janieta Eyre, Luis Jacob, Susan Kealey, Stacey Lancaster, Andrew J. Paterson, Steve Reinke and Laurel Woodcock)
I’ve got to stop talking to myself I've got to stop talking to myself [Il faut que j'arrête de parler tout seul]
1999 1999
Hard cover book, with audio recording on CD Livre à couverture rigide, avec enregistrement audio sur CD
overall: 19 cm x 14 cm
Acquired, 2010 Acquisition, 2010

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