In the biblical narrative (Tobit 7: 1–8), Raguel embraces Tobias after the latter tells him that he is Tobit’s son from Nineveh. In the current rendering of the story, however, Raguel immediately clutches onto Tobias as the traveler arrives to the former’s household in Ecbatana. Raguel’s wife Edna, and the angel also partake in a warm exchange, even though they are not hugging each other. Behind this group of figures, cast in a dark passage of the composition, a woman knits in a corner with a basket by her side. This youthful looking woman likely represents Sarah, whom Tobias will marry. Further to the back, Raguel offers his daughter’s hand in marriage to his newly arrived guest. In this subsidiary scene, Sarah sports a crown on her head. The event is witnessed by a group of onlookers, which includes the Archangel Raphael and Tobias’s watchful dog. At the top of the engraving, seated around a large banquet table, Raguel and his guests celebrate this marital unison. Sarah—shown wearing a crown once more—is located at the back left of the table.