This engraving serves as the fifth plate in a series of six prints produced by an unknown artist after designs by Maerten de Vos illustrating the Book of Tobit. The scene depicts each of the three departing figures mounted on camels, ready to embark on the trip to Nineveh. While the interaction between the main characters echoes that found in other reproductions of this subject made after Marten de Vos, fewer people populate the current print. The biblical account notes that Tobias, Sarah and the angel departed from Ecbatana with a retinue of servants, animals and goods, yet that is not decipherable in this composition. A group of animals along with two men is depicted to the left of the scene, yet it is unclear whether they are neighboring dwellers or members of the cortege accompanying Tobias to Nineveh. Furthermore, Tobias’s dog is missing from the scene altogether. Accordingly, the viewer is left wondering if the author of this print was familiar with the nuances of the biblical narrative or he deliberately took the liberty to change certain compositional elements to aim his print at a particular group of collectors.