
Agnes hosts Beyond Classrooms, a new adventure in education

3 October 2014

In a new partnership with Kingston’s education community, the Agnes Etherington Art Centre at Queen’s has been chosen as a host site for three local elementary classes in the Beyond Classrooms program that brings teachers and their students into the community for a week-long learning experience. While teaching their regular curriculum, teachers will use exhibitions and gallery resources as a springboard for collaborative and inquiry-based learning.

The first session takes place during the week of 6–10 October, when Dianne LaFortune and her Grade 6–7 class from Holy Name Catholic School arrive. Later in the month, Anthony Cox, from Mother Teresa Catholic School, will be at the Agnes with his Grade 3–4 class, and, in May 2015, Randy Archer will bring his Grade 7–8 class, also from Holy Name Catholic School. Each class will be based in the light-filled André Biéler Studio, with frequent forays into the adjacent exhibitions to learn about the works of art and the nature of a public art gallery. Students will create art, fill their journals and speak with Agnes staff about their work.

“I’m thrilled that Beyond Classrooms has reached Kingston,” said Pat Sullivan, Public Programs Manager. “I’ve been aware of this program since its beginning as Open Minds in Calgary in the early 1990s. It offers a wonderful enriching experience for students. I commend Linda Lamoureux, the local Coordinator, for her efforts in organizing this exceptional opportunity with the School Boards and teachers.” In Kingston, Beyond Classrooms is a collaborative initiative of the Limestone District and the Algonquin and Lakeshore District School Boards through the Kingston Area Museums, Historical Sites and Galleries organization.

For more information, see http://www.kingstonmuseums.ca/node/261, or contact Pat Sullivan at (613) 533.2190 or pat.sullivan@queensu.ca.

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