
Call for Applications–Living Intuition:
A Residency of Practice and Process

31 July 2023

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS (UPDATE: Applications closed 21 August)
Continuing his curatorial research into conditioning spaces of joy as an art form and practice, PhD student, poet, and translator, Fan Wu – along with Nasrin Himada, Associate Curator, Academic Outreach and Community Engagement – co-facilitate a student residency in Etherington House.

Living Intuition: A Residency of Practice & Process is split into unstructured experiential time and loosely structured workshops. Each participant will have three hours to share their practices and processes with the group. We set up an atmosphere of exploration and free sharing where we can all practice together in embodied and collective contexts. The hope is to cultivate new relationships, to create unlikely bonds across disciplines, and to expose resident students to a variety of forms of making and doing.

Upper-year undergrads and graduate students from all disciplines are eligible to apply. A stipend of $1,000 will be awarded to each student resident. The residency begins 28 September 2023 and runs until 1 October 2023; residents are expected to commit to the full span of four days. This is a daytime-only residency, so students will not be staying overnight at the Agnes.

Non-Queen’s student can apply, but we do not cover accommodation or travel for those who do not reside in Kingston.

Email the following, in one PDF document, to nasrin.himada@queensu.ca
Use the subject line: Living Intuition at Agnes

•Letter of expression of interest (500 words max)
In your letter, let us know a bit about yourself; the practice you want to share; what you want to learn from this residency; and what you’re looking for from collective forms of making and doing.

We will host pre-residency conversations with selected applicants to determine the schedule and flow of the residency.

21 August 2023

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