
Collection Count + Care with Previously Known Makers

Collection Count + Care seeks relationships within and conversations across the collection. What stories does the collection tell?

Prise en compte, prise à cœur cherche à tisser des liens et des dialogues entre les œuvres de la collection. Quelles histoires la collection raconte-t-elle?


Placed in a Victorian hat box these lively objects recall a number of things. The journeys they took to Agnes, their intimate nature (each one was carried close to the wearer’s heart) and their changing roles: they were once used in everyday life and now spend their lives in the vaults. But each of these objects carry very different meanings for their hosts.

Set on a new journey, these works forge new bonds of kinship. Gifted to Agnes, by individuals who held the art centre close to their own hearts, objects that were once lively in their former lives are now brought together in a spirit of sharing.

Curated by Qanita Lilla and Suzanne van de Meerendonk


Previously Known Maker, Mask, Liberia, unknown date, wood, fibre, cloth and string. Gift of Justin and Elisabeth Lang, 1984

Previously Known Maker, Locket, Inscribed M.M. June 21st 1885, brass, enamel, glass and hair. Gift of Elizabeth and Alastair Walker, 1996

Previously Known Maker, Portrait, unknown date, oil on ivory, with metal, glass and hair. Gift of Elizabeth and Alastair Walker, 1996

Previously Known Maker (follower of Cornelis Ketel), Miniature Portrait, around 1580, oil on copper. Gift of Dr and Mrs Alfred Bader, 1969

Installation view of Collection Count + Care.

Installation view of Collection Count + Care with Previously Known Makers.

Installation view of Collection Count + Care.

Installation view of Collection Count + Care with Previously Known Makers.


Johnson, Johnston and Macrae Investment Group, part of CIBC Private Wealth Wood Gundy is the sponsor for Collection Count + Care and its related programs.

Collection Count + Care videos are available on Digital Agnes, Vimeo and YouTube. Funded by the Museums Assistance Program, Digital Access to Heritage grant.
Image Credits

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