
Collection Count + Care with Nobuo Kubota, Isah Papialuk and Ted Rettig

Collection Count + Care seeks relationships within and conversations across the collection. What stories does the collection tell?

Prise en compte, prise à cœur cherche à tisser des liens et des dialogues entre les œuvres de la collection. Quelles histoires la collection raconte-t-elle?


French Transcript >

Speaker / Présentatrice

Sebastian De Line, Associate Curator, Care and Relations / conservateur associé, Solidarité et relations

Installation view from Collection Count + Care. Metamorphic Folded Rock, 1.1 billion years old, Salmon River, near Tamworth, Ontario. On loan from the Miller Museum of Geology, Queen’s University, donated by Dr D. Carmichael.

Installation view from Collection Count + Care. Metamorphic Folded Rock, 1.1 billion years old, Salmon River, near Tamworth, Ontario. On loan from the Miller Museum of Geology, Queen’s University, donated by Dr D. Carmichael.

Isah Papialuk, Head (Hear No Evil), unknown date, soapstone. John and Mary Robertson Collection of Inuit Art, 1990

Isah Papialuk, Head (Hear No Evil), unknown date, soapstone. John and Mary Robertson Collection of Inuit Art, 1990

Works / Œuvres

Nobuo Kubota, Roctoc and Tocroc (from the Atonement series) / Roctoc et Tocroc (de la série Réconciliation), 1986, photolithograph on paper, 23/30 – photolithographie sur papier, 23/30. Gift of Nobuo Kubota, 2006 / Don de Nobuo Kubota, 2006

Isah Papialuk, Head (Hear No Evil) / Tête (N’écoute pas le mal), unknown date / date inconnue, soapstone / pierre à savon. John and Mary Robertson Collection of Inuit Art, 1990 / Collection d’art inuit John et Mary Robertson, 1990

Ted Rettig, The kindness of others, version 2 / La bonté des autres, version 2, 2004–2006, mixed media: wood, paint, vinyl lettering, limestone, felt, earthenware, steel, mussel shells, glue and hardware / techniques mixtes : bois, peinture, lettrage en vinyle, calcaire, feutre, faïence, acier, coquilles de moules, colle et quincaillerie. Gift of Alice Wong-Rettig, 2006 / Don d’Alice Wong-Rettig, 2006

Metamorphic Folded Rock, 1.1 billion years old, Salmon River, near Tamworth, Ontario / Roche métamorphique plissée, 1,1 milliard d’années, rivière Salmon, près de Tamworth, Ontario. On loan from the Miller Museum of Geology, Queen’s University, donated by Dr D. Carmichael / Prêt du Musée de géologie Miller, Université Queen’s, don du Dr D. Carmichael


Johnson, Johnston and Macrae Investment Group, part of CIBC Private Wealth Wood Gundy is the sponsor for Collection Count + Care and its related programs.

Collection Count + Care videos are available on Digital Agnes, Vimeo and YouTube. Funded by the Museums Assistance Program, Digital Access to Heritage grant.
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