
Conversational Panel, Count + Care: Collections

Anong Beam, Chaka Chikodzi, and Deirdre Logue and Allyson Mitchell
Moderator: Alicia Boutilier

In 1968, Agnes Etherington Art Centre published its first and only catalogue of “The Permanent Collection,” authored by curator emeritus Frances K. Smith. Since then, the collection has grown to over 17,000 works of art. Count + Care considers legacies of collections, and what that curatorial inheritance and accountability entails. It also speculates on how ongoing collection care can be a loving undoing. In conversation with artists Anong Beam, Chaka Chikodzi, and Deirdre Logue and Allyson Mitchell about the care of their work in Agnes’s collection, we reflect on what it means, or should mean, to have artworks become part of an art museum.

Part of An Institute for Curatorial Inquiry
In-Person, 14–19 August 2022

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