Noah Quinuayark, Hawk(e)/ Hawk and Prey, 1961, stonecut on paper. Gift of Margaret McGowan Arts'78, 2017 (60-003.01) Photo: Bernard Clark
Puvirnituq Graphic Arts in the 1960s
27 April–5 August 2019
Frances K. Smith Gallery

Season Launch Reception
Friday 3 May 2019

Curated by Alysha Strongman under the supervision of Dr Norman Vorano as part of the Research Studentship in Indigenous Art.

Bold and immediate, Inuit prints captivated the 1960s art world. The second community to initiate a print program in the Eastern Arctic was Puvirnituq, Nunavik. Featuring works on paper donated by Margaret McGowan (Artsci’78), this snapshot exhibition shows the early years of printmaking in the community, including rare experimental prints made before its inaugural annual collection of 1962. Although printmaking in the community was discontinued in 1989, the images by Juanisialuk Irqumia, Leah Qumaluk, and other artists (eight in the exhibition), left an indelible mark.

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