Borgiani, Orazio
Abraham Receiving the Three Angels (a. Raphael) Abraham recevant les trois anges (d’après Raphaël)
1615 1615
Borgiani, Orazio
Rome, Italy 1574-Rome, Italy 1616 Rome, Italy 1574-Rome, Italy 1616
Abraham Receiving the Three Angels (a. Raphael) Abraham recevant les trois anges (d’après Raphaël)
1615 1615
Etching on laid paper, watermarked "IF[interlaced], in oval, trimmed to plate margins Gravure sur papier vergé, filigrane « IF » [entrelacé], en ovale, coupé aux marges de la plaque
height / width: 14.70 x 17.80 cm; 5.79 x 7.01 in.
Purchase, Consolidated Fund, 1971 Achat, fonds consolidés, 1971

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