Visser, Lisa
Animals in the Room Les animaux dans la pièce
2011 2011

This image is a part of a larger series also titled “Animals in the Room” that explores interspecies dialogue, its intimacy and sometimes desperate projection. The series elevates her relationship with her cat Sushi and what she called the “affective transmissions” between them. We see the artist performing a yoga pose, “the downward dog” with the cat appearing as a blur of motion around her leg. Visser wrote about the investigation in her website artist statement quoting Donna Haraway’s idea of “becoming with,” whereby human and non-human entities affect and are affected by each other, altering their very biological make-up.

Visser, Lisa
Newmarket ON 1983-Toronto ON 2013 Newmarket ON 1983-Toronto ON 2013
Animals in the Room Les animaux dans la pièce
2011 2011
c-print Épreuve à développement chromogène
91.5 x 61.0 cm
Gift of friends and family of Lisa Visser, 2016 Don d'amis et de la famille de Lisa Visser, 2016

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