Houbraken, Jacob
Ben Johnson Ben Johnson
1738 1738

The son of a clergyman of Scottish descent, Ben Jonson (1572–1637) helped shape the course of English literature, as one of the most highly regarded professional writers of the Jacobean period. He wrote a series of masques for performance at court. A nod to his success as a playwright is highlighted by the presence of a facemask and a jester stick below his portrait. Johnson’s demeanour is indicative of his elevated role in society.

Houbraken, Jacob
Dordrecht, Netherlands 1698-Amsterdam, Netherlands 1780 Dordrecht, Netherlands 1698-Amsterdam, Netherlands 1780
Ben Johnson Ben Johnson
1738 1738
Engraving on paper Gravure
height / width: 52.90 x 35.70 cm; 20.83 x 14.06 in.
Bequest of Adam Shortt, 1969 Legs d'Adam Shortt, 1969

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