de Passe, Crispijn, the elder; de Vos, Maerten (after)
Burying the dead; (No. 8 in a series of 8: The Seven Acts of Mercy and the Last Judgment) Ensevelir les morts (no 8 d'une série de 8 : Le Jugement dernier et les sept œuvres de miséricorde)
17th century v. 1580

The Antwerp painter and draughtsman Marten de Vos produced numerous designs for engravings, chiefly moralizing or religious in theme, following the prescriptions of the Counter Reformation. Here, he addresses the longstanding popular theme of the Seven Acts of Mercy, drawn from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount, combined with The Last Judgement, to underscore the Catholic doctrine of the efficacy of good works, rebuffing Protestant assertions of salvation through faith alone. Originally engraved and published in Antwerp by Crispijn de Passe before he fled religious troubles there, the plates then went to the engraver and publisher Adriaen Collaert (around 1560–1618) who issued this state.

de Passe, Crispijn, the elder; de Vos, Maerten (after)
Arnemudien, Netherlands 1564-Utrecht, Netherlands 1637; Antwerp, Belgium 1532-Antwerp, Belgium 1603 Arnemudien, Netherlands 1564-Utrecht, Netherlands 1637; Antwerp, Belgium 1532-Antwerp, Belgium 1603
Burying the dead; (No. 8 in a series of 8: The Seven Acts of Mercy and the Last Judgment) Ensevelir les morts (no 8 d'une série de 8 : Le Jugement dernier et les sept œuvres de miséricorde)
17th century v. 1580
Engraving, state 2 of 4 Gravure, 2e état sur 4
overall: 17.2 cm x 21 cm
Purchase, Bader Acquisition Fund, 2010 Achat, Fonds d’acquisition Bader, 2010

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