Bell-Smith, Frederic Marlett
Camp Fire, Lake O’Hara, No. 13 Feu de camp, lac O’Hara, no 13
undated date inconnue
Bell-Smith, Frederic Marlett
London, England 1846-Toronto ON 1923 London, England 1846-Toronto ON 1923
Camp Fire, Lake O’Hara, No. 13 Feu de camp, lac O’Hara, no 13
undated date inconnue
Watercolour on board Aquarelle sur carton
height / width: 25.50 x 33.80 cm; 10.04 x 13.31 in.
Gift of the Estate of Mary A. Kerruish, 1988 Don de la succession de Mary A. Kerruish, 1988

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