Kukiiyaut, Myra
Fish and Quallipilluq Poisson et Qalupalik
1975 1975
Kukiiyaut, Myra
Qamani'tuaq (or Baker Lake) NU 1929-Qamani'tuaq (or Baker Lake) NU 2006 Qamani'tuaq (or Baker Lake) NU 1929-Qamani'tuaq (or Baker Lake) NU 2006
Fish and Quallipilluq Poisson et Qalupalik
1975 1975
Stencil on paper, 14/50 Pochoir sur papier, 14/50
height / width: 66.10 x 81.60 cm; 26.02 x 32.13 in.
Gift of John Robertson, 1985 Don de John Robertson, 1985

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