Pomarede, Silvester; Campiglia, Giovanni Domenico (after)
Giovambatista Paggi Giovambatista Paggi
unknown date date inconnue
Pomarede, Silvester; Campiglia, Giovanni Domenico (after)
Italy, 1736-1768 (active); Italy, 1692-1775 Italy, 1736-1768 (active); Italy, 1692-1775
Giovambatista Paggi Giovambatista Paggi
unknown date date inconnue
Engraving on paper Gravure
height / width: 20.00 x 16.30 cm; 7.87 x 6.42 in.
Bequest of Adam Shortt, 1969 Legs d'Adam Shortt, 1969

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