Condé, Carole; Beveridge, Karl
It’s okay for artists to protest cultural manipulation of such institutions as the Whitney Museum. But how far can this go when the art they produce is made for those very same institutions? Les artistes peuvent protester contre la manipulation culturelle d’institutions comme le Whitney Museum. Mais jusqu’où cela peut-il aller lorsque l’art qu’ils produisent est destiné à ces mêmes institutions?
1975 1975

© Condé + Beveridge / CARCC Ottawa 2024

Condé, Carole; Beveridge, Karl
Hamilton ON 1940 (Condé); Ottawa ON 1945 (Beveridge) Hamilton ON 1940 (Condé); Ottawa ON 1945 (Beveridge)
It’s okay for artists to protest cultural manipulation of such institutions as the Whitney Museum. But how far can this go when the art they produce is made for those very same institutions? Les artistes peuvent protester contre la manipulation culturelle d’institutions comme le Whitney Museum. Mais jusqu’où cela peut-il aller lorsque l’art qu’ils produisent est destiné à ces mêmes institutions?
1975 1975
silkscreen and collage with marker on paper Sérigraphie, marqueur et collage
overall: 66 cm x 81.3 cm
Gift of the Artists, 2011 Don des artistes, 2011

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