Uyttenbroeck, Moses van
Jacob Wrestling with the Angel Jacob luttant avec l'ange
1623 1623

In his interpretation of the Old Testament subject (Genesis 32: 24–32), Moses van Uyttenbroeck situates Jacob and the angel in the right foreground to emphasize the river landscape. His selection of an Italianate setting is driven by the Biblical account: Jacob sends his family across the ford Jabbok before being joined unexpectedly by an angelic stranger. Their wrestling match is terminated only by Jacob’s request for a blessing. Uyttenbroeck, who never travelled to Italy, likely came to know of Annibale Carracci’s landscapes with small figures through Dutch painters who made the journey.

Uyttenbroeck, Moses van
The Hague, Netherlands 1600-The Hague, Netherlands 1646 The Hague, Netherlands 1600-The Hague, Netherlands 1646
Jacob Wrestling with the Angel Jacob luttant avec l'ange
1623 1623
Oil on panel Huile sur panneau
51.4 x 88.9 cm
Gift of Alfred and Isabel Bader, 2013 Don d'Alfred et Isabel Bader, 2013

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