Saggiaktok, Kakulu
Kettle Bouilloire
1994 1994

Born aboard the Hudson Bay Company supply ship, Nascopie, in 1940, Kakulu Saggiaktok moved into Cape Dorset as a child and began to draw in the 1960s during the early years of the print program at the West Baffin Eskimo Cooperative. She often explores themes of transformation, animal life, and the spiritual, and combines her expressive style with a visual wit and occasional flashes of humour. Kettle is one such example where she weaves together geese, fish, and an inanimate object – a kettle – into a singular, bold form. The image evokes the supernatural and interconnectedness of being.

Saggiaktok, Kakulu
born NWT (aboard HBC Nascopie) 1940-Cape Dorset area (Kinngait) NU 2020 born NWT (aboard HBC Nascopie) 1940-Cape Dorset area (Kinngait) NU 2020
Kettle Bouilloire
1994 1994
Stonecut on paper Gravure sur pierre
54.4 x 64.5 (to sight edge)
Gift of Dr. Anne Croy, 2019 Don de Dre Anne Croy, 2019

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