Cochin, Charles-Nicolas, pere; Chardin, Jean Baptiste (after)
L’Ecureuse L’écureuse
1738-1740 1738-1740
Cochin, Charles-Nicolas, pere; Chardin, Jean Baptiste (after)
Paris, France 1688-Paris, France 1754; Paris, France 1699-Paris, France 1779 Paris, France 1688-Paris, France 1754; Paris, France 1699-Paris, France 1779
L’Ecureuse L’écureuse
1738-1740 1738-1740
Engraving on paper Gravure
height / width: 43 cm x 36 cm
Purchase, W. McAllister Johnson Endowment Fund, 1996 Achat, Fonds de dotation W. McAllister Johnson, 1996

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