This piece represents the culmination of Nolan’s “Sales Help” series. Nolan’s exhibiting of work from this series at different homes in Toronto demonstrated not only his desire to position contemporary art in the private space of home, but also his intent to create an individual history for his art works that extends beyond the reach of himself (and gallery constraints). Nolan’s public distribution of his art was inspired by the artist Felix Gonzalez Torres’s preoccupation with increasing the public appeal of contemporary art.
“Sales Help Landscape” depicts three female faces. Each face is shown from a slightly different perspective and positioned differently: we see one face from below, one straight on, and the side of one face. Line is an effective carrier of information in this image. The human faces are made up of a mass of crisscrossing lines that convey a sense of human form and expose the behavior of light over skin.
The women’s clothes and hair are a rich black, in striking opposition to the light color of their faces and the backdrop. Each woman broods and appears detached from the other figures. A sense of alienation characterizes most of the work in the “Sales Help” series.