“Salle 37 (Musee Carnavelet)” is part of a series that focuses on motivations and expectations as filtered through the mindset of the traveller, entitled “You are Here”. The work is expressive and quick, describing a formal sitting room with a fireplace in a fine black ink drawing with white and yellow highlights in a different medium. Nelson is said to have experienced Stendhal’s Syndrome; dizziness, panic, paranoia or madness caused by viewing certain artistic or historical artifacts in too short time, during her travels. In light of this, she proposes that this point of view by fragmenting her subjects and then reconstructing them. Her application of control and chance in her process mirrors both the planned and unpredictable paths of the traveller; the subjects she represents holding less importance than the manner of their rendering. Nelson’s depictions of these types of tourist sites deal with memory, loss, and the search for happiness.