Koninck, Philips
Solomon Dedicating the Temple outside Jerusalem Salomon consacrant le Temple à l'extérieur de Jérusalem
around 1664 v. 1664

Koninck entered Rembrandt’s orbit of influence after he had become a full-fledged landscape painter. The sweeping and atmospheric panoramic background in this scene demonstrates his distinctive aesthetic. While the presentation of an Old Testament historical subject reflects the Rembrandtesque mode, the unusual choice of theme again reflects Koninck’s mature independence. He possibly favoured the scene of a lavish ceremony and extensive procession because the static figures, gentle rhythms, and range of textures suited his approach to landscape.

Koninck, Philips
Amsterdam, Netherlands 1619-Amsterdam, Netherlands 1688 Amsterdam, Netherlands 1619-Amsterdam, Netherlands 1688
Solomon Dedicating the Temple outside Jerusalem Salomon consacrant le Temple à l'extérieur de Jérusalem
around 1664 v. 1664
Oil on canvas Huile sur toile
overall: 88 cm x 130 cm
Gift of Alfred and Isabel Bader, 2014 Don d'Alfred et Isabel Bader, 2014

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