Eeckhout, Gerbrand van den
Solomon’s Idolatry L’idolâtrie de Salomon
Around 1665 v. 1665

The Old Testament patriarch King Solomon was considered the wisest man in history. Yet even he contravenes God’s word (1 Kings 11:2) and is swayed through his love for his many foreign wives and concubines to practice paganism. In Gerbrand van den Eeckhout’s interpretation, two women worship quietly in the background, relegated to a secondary position while serving as the visual explanation for the monarch’s abandonment of God. Unlike many stories comprising the Weibermacht theme, this subject uses love to delve into the social realm of apostasy.

Eeckhout, Gerbrand van den
Amsterdam, Netherlands 1621-Amsterdam, Netherlands 1674 Amsterdam, Netherlands 1621-Amsterdam, Netherlands 1674
Solomon’s Idolatry L’idolâtrie de Salomon
Around 1665 v. 1665
Oil on canvas Huile sur toile
54.6 x 63.5 cm
Gift of Alfred and Isabel Bader, 2013 Don d'Alfred et Isabel Bader, 2013

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