Ishulutaq, Elisapee
The Voyage Le voyage
1972 1972

The Pangnirtung Print Shop was established in 1969 in an effort to increase local employment and a cash economy. They released their first print collection in 1973, which included work by Elisapee Ishulutaq. Born at Qipisaa camp, on the Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island, Ishulutaq moved to Pangnirtung due to a tuberculosis infection in 1971 at the age of 45. Her drawing skills were quickly recognized, and her work was subsequently translated into prints and tapestries.

The Voyage is a stencil print, typical of Pangnirtung graphic arts, and characterized by the soft edges and muted colours of the medium. It depicts two watercraft, one a traditional single person kayak, the other a larger vessel with sail, possibly either a umiak or even a Western whaling ship. Whaling scenes often appear in prints from Pangnirtung due to the prominence of this activity in the nineteenth and early twentieth century, and within living memory of many artists who grew up on the land. Ishulutaq is known to choose subjects related to her experience of camp life before settling in Pangnirtung.

Ishulutaq, Elisapee
Kagiqtuqjuaq camp NT 1925–Panniqtuuq NU 2018 Kagiqtuqjuaq camp NT 1925–Panniqtuuq NU 2018
The Voyage Le voyage
1972 1972
Stencil on paper, 9/39 Pochoir sur papier, 9/39
39.2 x 62.2 cm
Gift of Guardian Capital Group Limited, 2020 Don du Groupe Guardian Capital Limited, 2020

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