This engraving depicts one of the more riveting moments recounted in the apocryphal Book of Tobit. In chapter six, Tobias and Raphael arrive near a river and a large fish jumps out at Tobias as he prepares to wash himself. In the current rendering of the biblical episode, Tobias is knee-deep in the river, as he holds the intimidating animal by its open mouth. Standing nearby with one foot on land and one foot on a rock that juts out of the water, the Archangel Raphael instructs his companion to remove the heart, liver and gull of the fish. The urgency of the situation is heightened by the sense of movement created throughout the print. Water from the fish’s caudal fin splashes into the air as the animal tries to wrestle itself free from Tobias’s grasp. Furthermore, even though Raphael leans part of his body against a tree trunk to support his weight, it appears that he could lose his footing at any moment and fall into the river. Tobias’s dog is also on edge and barks at his owner, ready to pounce on the fish if called into action. Tobias and the angel overcome this dramatic challenge and eventually continue their voyage to Rages. In the middle ground, two figures walk across a wooden bridge unaware of the catastrophic scene nearby.