In the second print produced by the Van Doetechum brothers designed after Hans Bol’s series related to the Book of Tobit, the action focuses on the departure of Tobias and the angel. In the right foreground, Tobias shakes his blind father’s hand. The latter, offers his son final instructions before Tobias embarks on his journey. Beside them, Anna utters her parting words to the Archangel Raphael and places her hand on his shoulder. She prays for her son’s safe return. Nearby, Tobias’s dog is eager to commence the voyage to Rages. Toward the left side of the composition, with their backs to the viewer, Tobias, his dog and the angel, begin their trek. The figures are dwarfed by their surroundings as structures and trees of varying sizes densely populate the landscape. Moreover, spires and steeples surface throughout the middle ground and background. In the distance, ships and mountainous terrains complete the elaborate scene.