Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto
Tobit burying the Dead by Torchlight Tobit enterrant les morts à la lueur des torches
between 1647-1651 v. 1647
Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto
Genoa, Italy 1609-Mantua, Italy 1664 Genoa, Italy 1609-Mantua, Italy 1664
Tobit burying the Dead by Torchlight Tobit enterrant les morts à la lueur des torches
between 1647-1651 v. 1647
Etching, state 1 of 1 Eau-forte, état unique
overall: 20.8 cm x 30.2 cm
Purchase, Bader Acquisition Fund, 2010 Achat, Fonds d’acquisition Bader, 2010

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