Unknown Maker
Wedding Dress Wedding Dress
1876 1876

This vibrant chestnut basqued bodice and bustled skirt presents a wonderful play between the feminine romance of the 18th century polonaise and the masculine military details – the applied turned back cuffs, open back vents and large buttons with decorative buttonhole loops. This is enhanced with tone-on-tone colouring and textural contrasts which bring light and movement to the garment.

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Unknown Maker
Wedding Dress Wedding Dress
1876 1876
silk taffeta, satin silk taffeta, satin
35 cm x 34.6 cm (dress height / width); 50.4 cm (dress sleeve length); 103.4 cm x 62.5 cm (skirt height x width); 38 cm (vestee height)
Gift to Queen`s Drama Club from an unknown donor, before 1948 Gift to Queen`s Drama Club from an unknown donor, before 1948

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