Explore the science and art of this early photographic printing process
Fee: $125, $110 members
Agnes will supply an art kit with some materials, review the list below.
An art kit of material will be available for pick up at Agnes from Saturday 19–25 September during gallery hours. They can also be shipped (within Ontario) for a fee. Art kits cannot be shipped for orders placed within one week of the start of the program.
Explore the science and art of this early photographic printing process with Kingston artist Brian Hoad in this online class. The cyanotype, or sun print, recognisable by its distinctive blue tone, was invented in 1842 and has been used by artists and engineers alike. Over 175 years later the process continues to be used by many contemporary artists. This course is for participants of all levels. An art kit of material will be available for pick up at Agnes or shipped for a fee (see note above).
To participate in this program, you will need access to a stable internet connection, a free Zoom account, a computer, laptop or tablet with a camera and microphone and a dedicated space to make art. A link to this session will be sent prior to the program.
Brian Hoad (b.1992) is an emerging visual artist originally from Port Hope, ON. After receiving initial studio training as Canadian artist David Blackwood’s studio assistant, they completed a Bachelor of Fine Art Honours, Visual Art, minor Art History (2015) at Queen’s University and Master of Fine Art, Visual Art (2017) at University of Regina. Maintaining a studio practice in Kingston, ON, Hoad is the current Technician Supervisor and Paint & Drawing Technician for the Fine Art (Visual Art) Program at Queen’s University. Past projects have been supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, The Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation, and RBC Emerging Artists Project.