
Juvenis Festival Workshops

André Biéler Studio
1–11 May 2019

Agnes is participating in Kingston’s Juvenis Youth Arts Festival by offering three special workshops.

Agnes is participating in Kingston’s Juvenis Youth Arts Festival by offering three special workshops: an Art Hive session with Harper Johnston, Screen Printing with Barb Danielewski and a Print Workshop with Jillian Glatt. Juvenis celebrates #ygkyouth between the ages of 13–30, and takes place 1–11 May in various locations around Kingston. For program details and registration, go to: juvenisfestival.ca


Thursday 2 May, 4–5:30 pm
Art Hive: Live Journey

Thursday 2 May, 6:30–8:30 pm
Contemporary Art Party

Sunday 5 May, 2–4 pm
Printmaking: Introduction to Linocut

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