
The Studio with Anong Beam

15 August 2022
3–5 pm

Join Anong Beam at this special Studio, presented as part of An Institute for Curatorial Inquiry.

The Studio is a place to meet innovative practicing artists from Kingston and across Canada, hear about their work and artistic practice and explore a creative project together. Join Anong Beam at this FREE special Studio, presented as part of An Institute for Curatorial Inquiry.

Anong leads a painting workshop with Beam Paints. Beam Paints is the result of a multi-generational love of pigment, paint, colour, and innovation. Anong was raised by her artist parents, Carl Beam and Ann Beam, and was taught from a young age how to harvest hematite pigment in the LaCloche mountain range near their home in M’Chigeeng First Nation on Manitoulin Island. Beam Paints draws on Anong’s early education in Indigenous pigment and expands it to encompass all paint traditions. A focus on high-quality pigment content creates sublime artist materials, with plastic-free packaging.

Lightfast pigments, tree sap, gum arabic, and Manitoulin honey, blend together to create a handmade saturated colour that is a joy to paint with. From thick stripes to fine washes and details, quality is evident in every stroke. Beam Paint’s watercolours are shaped into paintstones, their version of a half-pan, before being wrapped in beeswaxed canvas. Their pans are packaged in slices of cedar and birch offcuts from an Indigenous sustainable lumber operation.

This workshop is preceded by Count + Care: Collections, a conversational panel with Anong Beam, Chaka Chikodzi, Deirdre Logue and Allyson Mitchell from 1 to 2:30. We invite you to attend this prior to The Studio.

This program is made possible by the Rita Friendly Kaufman fund.

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