
Poetics of World Building with Jawa El Khash

Friday 18 June 2021
10 am (ET)

Artist Talk

Jawa El Khash is an artist, researcher and technologist. She works in VR, holography and painting, currently based in Toronto. Her practice is focused on the art and poetics of VR narrative and environmental storytelling. In this talk, El Khash will be taking the audience through her work, thought process and artistic approach to world-building. Check out her latest WebXR project The Seed Vault.

This artist talk is presented by Agnes in the framework of the Museum Without Walls project. Museum Without Walls is funded by the Espírito Santo State Cultural Offices (Secult-ES) and counts with the support of the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Canada. To know more, check museusemparedes.com

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