Alfred Bader Collects:
Celebrating Fifty Years of The Bader Collection
Dr Jacquelyn N. Coutré
Year: 2017
7.75" x 11"
ISBN: 987-1-55339-409-9
$0.00 brochure

This brochure was created alongside the exhibition Alfred Bader Collects: Celebrating Fifty Years of The Bader Collection.

Throughout his life, Alfred Bader has found solace, inspiration, and intellectual stimulation in works of art. This exhibition, which marks the fiftieth anniversary of the first Bader gift to the Agnes in 1967, aims to paint a portrait of Dr Bader’s enduring relationship with the Old Masters. The works on view—by such artists as Girolamo da Santacroce, Jan Victors, Michael Sweerts, and Bernardo Bellotto—include early gifts as well as paintings more recently donated by Drs Alfred and Isabel Bader, exhibited here for the first time. This selection articulates his activities as a collector and amateur art historian in a very personal way by highlighting his scholarly discoveries and the parameters of his taste. In short, Alfred Bader Collects honours the discerning eye and focused vision of one Queen’s alumnus, and his desire to make the Agnes “the finest art museum of any university in Canada.”

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