Flaming Creatures:
New Tendencies in Canadian Video
Gary Kibbins



Year: 1997
12 p. : 19 ill., 7" x 10.5"
ISBN: 0-88911-748-9
$6.00 softcover

Flaming Creatures is a program of seventeen tapes by fifteen artists developed for presentation at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre over a six-week period. Program curator Gary Kibbins has drawn on his experience as a video artist, film maker, teacher and writer to assemble recent video works that are both challenging and engaging, Kibbin’s essay is an insightful parallel text, an illuminating device that prompts an agile and pleasurable response to the tapes, while setting the work in the context of the brief but lively history of video art. What Kibbin’s text makes clear, and the works themselves confirm, is the vitality of the form – the medium continues to provide a resilient vehicle for artists and for ideas that slip the reductivist net of mainstream cultural production.

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