Prince, Prent, Whiten:
Figurative Sculpture
Natalie Luckyj



Year: 1981
31 pp, ill., 9" x 9"
ISBN: 0-88911-021-2
$15.00 softcover

For years, the human form was the principal subject matter of all sculptures. The art of Rodin and growth of abstraction altered perception of sculptural norms and forms, especially as related to the human figure. This exhibition affirms the continuing and robust possibilities inherent in the human form for contemporary sculptors. Three artists selected: Prince, Prent, Whiten, all live in Canada’s largest urban centres and thus use the human figure as their focus but for quite individual and personal reasons. In Canada, the human figure is often lost to landscape, and we are more concerned with the portrait than the full figure as an expressive device.

Exhibition dates: 9 August–13 September 1981

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