Shannon Bool:
Tammer El-Sheikh, Anne-Marie St-Jean Aubre, Esther Kinsky



Year: 2019
176 pages, 8.75" x 12.25"
ISBN: 978-3-90326-974-3
$48.00 softcover

This publication on the work of Shannon Bool is an exploration of the importance of looking. Bool’s approach to her art is a multidisciplinary one, comprising tapestries, carpets, photograms, sculptures, installations and painting. It combines media of the fine arts with techniques and materials used only incidentally in the traditional history of art. Her method of proceeding is indicative of her feminist perspective, and does not submit to an authoritative interpretation. Her projects revolve around phenomena pertaining to society, the history of art or architecture; they allow for a novel way of looking at things in order to question our customary habits of perception.

This publication extends the exhibition Shannon Bool: Modernism and its Discontents presented 2 May–9 August 2020 at the Agnes Etherington Art Centre.

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